Thanks to everyone who shared their Birds of North America photography with us! Here are some of our favorites for the official birds of the different states, provinces, and countries in North America.
American Robin
The official bird of the states of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Bald Eagle
The official bird of the United States of America.
Black-Capped Chickadee
The official bird of the state of Massachusetts and province of New Brunswick.
Blue Jay
The official bird of the province of Prince Edward Island.
Brown Thrasher
The official bird of the state of Georgia.
Cactus Wren
The official bird of the state of Arizona.
California Quail
The official bird of the state of California.
Carolina Wren
The official bird of the state of South Carolina.
Common Loon
The official bird of the province of Ontario.
Crested Caracara
The official bird of Mexico.
Eastern Bluebird
The official bird of the states of Missouri and New York.
Eastern Goldfinch
The official bird of the states of Iowa and New Jersey.
Great Gray Owl
The official bird of the province of Manitoba.
Northern Cardinal
The official bird of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Northern Mockingbird
The official bird of the states of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas.

"This northern mockingbird brought a tasty little spider to feed her young. She was uncomfortable with my presence fifteen feet away so I think she spread her wings as a warning for me to keep my distance. Shot taken on my porch in Nicholasville, KY with my E-M1 Mark III and M.Zuiko 300mm F4.0 IS PRO lens."
Ruffed Grouse
The official bird of the state of Pennsylvania.
Steller’s Jay
The official bird of the province of British Columbia.