AIR A01 Support Topics
Please carefully follow the directions when updating your lens or camera firmware and keep in mind the following:
· Firmware updates can take several minutes or longer to complete. Do not disconnect the USB cable during the update process.
Once you see "OK" on the rear monitor, it is safe to disconnect the cable.
- Be sure to have a fully charged battery in the camera and installed Digital Camera Updater software. Follow the Download Firmware link on the product support page to obtain this software.
Olympus Technical Support is happy to help you through this process. If you would like assistance, please contact us.
Please carefully follow the directions when updating your lens or camera firmware and keep in mind the following:
· Firmware updates can take several minutes or longer to complete. Do not disconnect the USB cable during the update process.
Once you see "OK" on the rear monitor, it is safe to disconnect the cable.
- Be sure to have a fully charged battery in the camera and installed Digital Camera Updater software. Follow the Download Firmware link on the product support page to obtain this software.
Olympus Technical Support is happy to help you through this process. If you would like assistance, please contact us.
I have GPS turned off in Custom Menu “Gear” J3, but the GPS icon is still flashing on my viewscreen.
There are a total of three GPS related settings. All three must be turned off to keep the camera from seeking a GPS lock and using battery power.
1. Record GPS location, in Custom Menu “Gear” J3 must be turned to OFF.
2. Field Sensor Logger, in Custom Menu “Gear” J3 must be Stopped.
3. The Auto Time Adjust setting in Clock Settings, located in the Setup menu is turned on. This setting uses GPS data to keep the time settings up to date. Turn this setting off to stop the icon from flashing and reduce battery drain.
MENU > Setup Menu (wrench) > Time Settings (clock) > Auto Time Adjust (switch to OFF)
Also, see page 564 and 455 of the full E-M1X user’s manual for more information.
When rotating the zoom ring on my M. Zuiko ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 lens, I notice there is a change in resistance between 100mm and 200mm.
It is completely normal for this model of lens to exhibit a change in physical resistance between 100mm and 200mm.
Why are my TG-Tracker videos upside down?
Most likely the FIELD OF VIEW is set for inverted.
Since the TG-Tracker is often used with 3rd part “Action Cam” mounts it is often desirable to set the camera to record with an INVERTED VIEW
To change back to a normal view please follow these steps.
Turn the power switch to ON
Press and release the MENU button
Press the > button repeatedly until you see the Field of View icon
Press the OK button and you will probably see the “Wide Inverted” icon You’ll know it is inverted by the arrow facing down.
Now press the > button until you get the “Wide” icon without the inverted arrow then press the OK button to confirm.
Now try shooting some Video clips to test
Where is the serial number in the VP-10 recorder?
The serial number is located in the battery compartment.

Why does the battery power drain quickly?
Please note that if you experience rapid battery drain in TG cameras the cause
could be the GPS logging feature being left on after the camera is switched off. The GPS will continue
to log and draw power from the battery even when the camera is off if the Log switch is left in the on position.
See image

The battery in my TG-6 camera drains quickly.
There are a total of three GPS related settings. All three must be turned off to keep the camera from seeking a GPS lock and using battery power. These setting can drain battery power even if the camera is turned off.
1. Record GPS location, in Custom Menu “Gear” G must be turned to OFF.
2. Log switch on the top of camera must be in the OFF position.
3. When the Auto Time Adjust setting in Clock Settings, located in the “Wrench” Setup menu is turned on. This setting uses GPS data to keep the time settings up to date. Turn this setting off to stop the GPS icon from flashing and reduce battery drain.
MENU > Setup Menu (wrench) > Time Settings (clock) > Auto Time Adjust (switch to OFF)
Is the Olympus Air Compatible with iOS 13?
Olympus has discovered that the OLYMPUS AIR A01 will not be recognized in the OA.Central smartphone application for iOS if the smartphone is updated to iOS 13. Apple is releasing iOS 13 on September 19, 2019.
A revised version of the smartphone application with iOS 13 compatibility is currently in development with a planned fall 2019 release date. The OLYMPUS AIR A01 cannot be used if the smartphone is updated to iOS 13 without having the revised application installed. Taking photos, viewing photos, transferring photos and changing settings for OLYMPUS AIR A01 will not possible using the current smartphone application. Please wait until the revised smartphone application is released before installing iOS 13.
Is the Olympus Air Compatible with iOS 13?
Olympus has discovered that the OLYMPUS AIR A01 will not be recognized in the OA.Central smartphone application for iOS if the smartphone is updated to iOS 13. Apple is releasing iOS 13 on September 19, 2019.
A revised version of the smartphone application with iOS 13 compatibility is currently in development with a planned fall 2019 release date. The OLYMPUS AIR A01 cannot be used if the smartphone is updated to iOS 13 without having the revised application installed. Taking photos, viewing photos, transferring photos and changing settings for OLYMPUS AIR A01 will not possible using the current smartphone application. Please wait until the revised smartphone application is released before installing iOS 13.