June 15, 2019 - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Walnut Creek, CA

Bird Photography Field Shoot at Lindsay Wildlife

This terrific class is led by photographer and Olympus staff member, Steve Ball. Steve is a nature photographer based in the Pacific Northwest, with a serious passion for bird photography and its diversity of habitats and environments. He will be here on Saturday June 15th to impart his tips and tricks, helping you get the bird photos you want as you shoot at Lindsay Wildlife Experience in Walnut Creek. Olympus will be providing demo gear to test and try as well. The photoshoot will run from 2-5pm. 

The Lindsay Wildlife Experience ( is a non-profit that saves animals lives, teaches and inspires children and adults through up-close-and personal encounters with live wild animals, and strengthens the connection between people and the natural world. For our photography experience, we’ll get to meet and photograph the following birds: Bald Eagle, Barn Owl, Great Grey Owl, Harris Hawk, Swainsons Hawk and Western Screech Owl. 

Cost: $99
