June 07 - 13, 2020
Nome, AK

Nome and the surrounding Seward Peninsula is rich in bird life during the summer months. Birds come from all over the world to mate and raise their young on the open tundra. Bar-tailed Godwits come from New Zealand, Pacific Golden Plovers, Wandering Tattlers, Ruddy Turnstones and other birds come from Hawaii and the South Pacific, and Northern Wheatears come all the way from Africa. Then there are the rare birds that cross the Baring and Chukchi Seas, such as Bluethroat and Easter Yellow Wagtail. Toss in a varied selection of ducks, loons, terns, shorebirds and other songbirds and all of a sudden it just becomes a bird photographers paradise. Five and a half days of bird photography, five morning shooting sessions and 6 evening shooting sessions.