PhotograpHER with Olympus Visionary Tracie Maglosky

PhotograpHER Virtual Events
Join Olympus Visionary Tracie Maglosky & The Camera Shop of Muskegon virtually for a weekend full of classes focusing on Portrait Photography and Women in Photography! See all class times & descriptions below:
Posing Couples: Friday 9/18 @ 4:30-5:30PM
How many times have you been at a shoot and run out of poses? Join award-winning wedding, maternity, newborn and senior portrait photographer Tracie Maglosky for a workshop focused on overcoming the unique posing and lighting challenges that are presented during your photoshoots.
During this presentation, you’ll learn:
- Overcoming height differences
- Slimming couples
- Flattering angles
- Emotional connection
- Lighting for two
- Lighting different skin tones
Perfect posing and lighting can be the difference between a good portrait and a great portrait. It can be the difference in your client liking the way they look in their portrait and loving the way they look in their portrait! You will leave this class feeling confident in your ability to pose and create beautiful portraits.
High Impact Portraits: Saturday 9/19 @10AM-11AM
If a composition is a story, light is the narrator, bringing life, meaning, texture and mood to an image. Let's take a deep dive into 3 must-have lighting setups. Join Tracie as she walks through step-by-step how to see the light, modify the light and finally perfect the light. We will use beautiful gowns and models in various locations to show how to get those high impact portraits that leave viewers wanting more.
This course will include 3 key elements. Tracie will start with an image rich lecture, move into a demonstration and end with hands-on learning to ensure that every attendee leaves with the confidence that they need to use these three lighting set-ups to create dynamic images.
Transitioning from Natural light to Artificial: Saturday 9/19 @ 1-2PM
Making the transition from natural light to strobe photography can seem intimidating at best and at worst it may feel totally terrifying. Join Tracie as she takes the sting out of learning how to transition seamlessly to strobe without feeling totally lost. This course is for everyone who is either terrified of artificial light or wants to feel more confident using light. This will be a hands on experience so be certain to bring your camera!
Single Light Portraits: Saturday 9/19 @ 2:30-3:30PM
If you're just getting your feet wet with lighting and looking for ways to maximize your opportunity with just one light this class is for you! Let's try some different modifiers and angles with just one light. We will learn how to make classic lighting patterns and you'll walk away confident in recreating them.