Capture everything from colorful fall foliage and amazing macro mushroom photos to spooky scenes and spectacular fall skies. Be sure to share your best fall photography in our User Gallery.
Photography Tips Navigation

8 Tips for Better Autumn Photography

Indoor Fall Focus Stacking
Get inspired with an autumnal macro project!

Capturing Creepy Moods for Halloween
Go behind the scenes of these creepy captures and learn how to create your own hauntingly good Halloween moods.

Halloween Live Composite
This video is dedicated to Halloween and the amazing Live Composite creative long exposure feature.

Glowing Mushrooms
The forest can be a magical place. Create some of that magic by making your own glowing mushrooms.

Fantastical Fungi!
Getting up close with the OM-1 and Jamie Rosencrans

Capturing Autumn in The Rockies
Tyler takes you with him on his trip to photographing the changing seasons in Colorado, and gives tips for your own autumn photos.

Focus Stacking & Bracketing with OM-D
It can be a challenge to achieve a sharp subject from front to back. Enter focus stacking or focus bracketing.

Using Natural Frames to Improve Your Composition
There are many cases where adding a frame improves the overall look of a photo. Get tips on using this simple technique.

8 Tricks for Making Your Halloween Photos Treats
Make sure your photos are TREATS, not TRICKS with the tips found in this newly updated Halloween feature article.