Macro Snowflake

Capturing Snowflakes with the M.Zuiko 30mm F3.5 Macro

Photographer Nicole Gearty
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glowing mushrooms

Glowing Mushrooms

The forest can be a magical place. Create some of that magic by making your own glowing mushrooms. 

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Peter Baumgarten
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Fantastical Fungi!

Getting up close with the OM-1 and Jamie Rosencrans

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Jamie Rosencrans
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Why the OM SYSTEM is Perfect for Macro Photography

Imagining the smallest of subjects on a very large scale and making what is often hidden from our naked eye visible: that is the fascination of wildlife macro photography.

OM SYSTEM Photographer Christian Brockes
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The OM-1: Focus Stacking Explained

Get tips on how to use focus stacking in your OM-1.

OM Ambassador Chris McGinnis
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Long Legged Fly

Insect Week Gallery

June 19-25 is Insect Week. Upload your best insect and spider photography to our User Gallery.

User Gallery
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World Bee Day Gallery

May 20 is World Bee Day

User Gallery
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My OM-1: Custom Settings for Field Macro

Get tips for customizing your OM-1 settings for macro photography.

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Chris McGinnis
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How to Give Context to Your Closeups

Geraint Radford takes several lenses out on a wet and wild day to see what each can deliver when it comes to close up and macro photographs.

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Geraint Radford
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Finding Fungi in the Woods for Macro

Geraint takes us on a trip to the woods to look for his favorite fungi to photograph and gives some tips on field macro technique.

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Geraint Radford
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Why I Chose OM-D for Macro Photography

Geraint Radford explains the key attraction to him of the Olympus/OM SYSTEM.

OM SYSTEM Ambassador Geraint Radford
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Ice Globes: Photographing Frozen Bubbles

Photographer Joanna Noble
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